Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gardening Update

I have been keeping up with my garden, and I can say that I will not be buying lettuce for quite some time!  YEAH!!  Everything is growing up quite nicely, even things I thought I might as well give up on.  There were a couple casualties, but I can't complain.

This tea rose survived.  Which is nice.  Before blooming there is a pink tinge on the petal edges. 

As soon as this blossoms, I will know what type of rose it is.  I had two that didn't make it.  This one and the white tea rose did. 

That is the first grapevine to produce leaves!  I was beginning to give up hope, but finally one out of the four showed some life. 

These are my rainbow carrots

Is that an onion patch, or is that an onion patch!


The above two are parsnip and rutabaga.  I am not sure I labeled them right in the garden though, so I will figure it out when they mature a bit more!

The celery FINALLY sprouted. 

Potatoes.  Another one I had almost given up on, but they just took off!

My rose and some other plants are being eaten, but I have not been able to track down the culprit!

The plant is pretty healthy despite the missing leaf parts. 

This sage plant used to be in my kitchen window.  Then it looked puny outside for awhile.  NOW!  Holy macaroni!  I think the plant and I have come to an understanding, and moving it to were I did is making it much happier. 

This succulent actually sits in a round pot on top of my fence.  I can't see it, so I thought I would take a pic and make sure it was alive.  When I planted it, there was just one little bunch of run tipped leaves, now I see it is multiplying, and growing up. I may be able to see it without doing acrobatics soon. 

summer squash in the plenty.  I am going to be giving away squash if they all produce. 

In the back are my pickling cucumbers.  I planted new seeds a few weeks ago, and I now have three plants.  In front, Kale and Red lettuce. 

More red lettuce, more kale, regular munching cucumbers, black beans, green lettuce.  Like I said, I am good on lettuce for a bit. 

My Daisy bush is blooming again.  It makes me smile. 

When you allow a two year old to water your cilantro, it gets a little overwhelmed.  It has since perked up!

I don't know what this succulent is called, but I love it. 

Parsley anyone? 

I haven't quite found the right spot for my thyme, but I will, and it will grow. 

These are my apples, that's right, the tree that should not fruit for at least a year has apples.  I need to get out and stake some support. 

Peaches!  I can't wait! There won't be many, but again, this was not supposed to fruit this year!

Both of these have peppers.  Unfortunately, I am going to have to wait until they produce to know which is bell and which is pepperoncini. 

This plant got a haircut today.  It was getting tall and overflowing, so I trimmed her back.  More flowers will come soon I am sure!

Look to the left and see my flourishing flower garden.  Look to the right and I have NO IDEA what the difference is, but it is not flourishing.  

I fertilized all the veggies with fish fertilizer the other day, it was smelly, but the leaves all perked up a bit the next day.  The flower garden is odd.  The side we had planted sunflowers in before is doing well, the other side not, so we planted some more sunflowers, they will be poking their heads out in the coming weeks.

Needless to say I have spent quite a bit of time caring for all of these plants, soil and such.  Little ones "help", husbands help with big weed jobs, but I prefer to be out there alone, in silence, just me and the garden.  I am amazed daily by this garden.  I never expected so much to grow so well, and every day I go out and see something new sprouting or growing recognizable.  It is truly amazing how life works. 

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