Friday, June 22, 2012

Father's Day

My husband has been asking me to make him handkerchiefs.  I just find the idea gross.  I like being able to throw my snot away.  He however, doesn't.  Being the good environmental steward I try to be I decided Father's Day would be a good day to provide him with this.  Of course, I forgot about it until the Monday before, so I was a bit rushed. 

I used an old pillowcase.  Soft, but fraying around the edges a bit.  Then I embroidered, which I don't do, an M in a different color on each one, so that he wouldn't use the same one for more than one day. 

The result:

I made seven, but he used some before I could get the picture.  Forgetful me.  I think they turned out pretty nice and I go to practice mitering a hem.

Fun times!

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