Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Knitting for my child

I have tried knitting in the past.  It was not a successful venture for me.  However, big L wanted to learn, and I was determined to become a better knitter myself.  So I began searching for easy patterns, and came across a contest to win a whole bunch of yarn, you just had to knit one of their patterns with their yarn.  No problem. 

Well, a month later I have a finished product it has holes, and I seem to have a habit of adding a stitch (and hole) and not dropping the stitch. 

Here it is, my highly imperfect top for little l:

I need a lot of practice!  I hope I win some more yarn.  Big L wants something next. I told here mommy needed to start with something smaller, but that I would make her something poor fingers are not thanking me. 

It was fun, and I do feel a sense of accomplishment.  Hopefully on the next one I can spot my boo boos earlier enough to rip it out and fix, these I didn't see until I had a lot more done, and ripping stitches is something I am slowly becoming more comfortable with. 

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